Sunday, March 08, 2009


Ok im really hopping mad. I can't believe my friend actually make up one whole big fucking fat lie just to go to a bloody gay sauna.

2.30am - he received a sms which i didn't even question much about, then he said he's going off like half a minute later saying that he cannot stand the smoke in the club.

I went home alone.

8.30am - he smsed me back explaining that he didnt go to the sauna, and he had severe headaches from the smoke in the club.

Like how "believable" can this be? Im not angry because he went to a freaking sauna, but because a explanatory lie was made up because of a freaking lousy reason.

Like come on la, 6 hours difference leh, u think im dumb? We've been friends for freaking 6 years and ur trying to pull off such a stunt in front of me? i cannot believe it, totally.


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